Літня школа слов’янських мов

Author: admin 19.07.2016

Літня школа в Оломоуці запрошує до участі викладачів, науковців, студентів, журналістів та просто зацікавлених у вивченні чеської мови.

Дати: 22 липня – 21 серпня 2016 року.

Місце: Оломоуц, Чехія.

Дедлайн: on-going.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Summer School of Slavonic Languages (SSSL) at the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc organizes courses of Czech language for foreigners and also other courses in Slavonic languages, Russian language or Polish language in particular, for students from other countries. The Summer School is designed for professors, senior lecturers, lectors and students of Czech language and literature or Slavonic studies, translators, journalists and people from the general public interested in Czech language, literature, history, and culture. The programme comprises also courses for beginners. English and Czech are communicative languages used according to students’ level. The lessons are complemented with additional events – film club, theatre workshop, workshop of folklore dances, two one-day trips and a weekend trip to Prague, etc. (see below).

After finishing the intensive language course each student of the SSSL will receive a certificate stating the achieved language level (based on test results). The four-week SSSL course corresponds to one academic semester/term of Czech philology at the University. The number of credits will be awarded to the students by their home universities. Students, who fail the final exam or who will not finish the course from various reasons (see below), will receive a certification of attendance at the SSSL course.

Since 2007, the University has provided the students the opportunity to obtain an international certificate of the European Union, so called ECL exam – more information can be found on www.ecl-test.com. Information about the exam will be also provided during the summer course.

IT rooms and the University library are available to students. Internet is also available to students accommodated in the dormitories of Palacký University.

Applicants for the Scholarship awarded by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic are advised to contact the Czech Embassy in their home country. The scholarships are awarded only to candidates nominated by responsible authorities in the partner countries; the number of such participants is limited. More information about the application process, deadlines, etc. is to be found at Czech consulates and embassies abroad. If you prefer the Summer School in Olomouc to the other schools in the Czech Republic, please state this clearly in your application form.

You can participate in the Summer School course as an individually paying participant covering all the costs.

Джерело: http://lsss.upol.cz/en/summer-school-slavonic-languages

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