Семінар у Бельгії: TEC Forum 2021

Author: admin 18.08.2020
Коли і де: 15-19 February 2021 | Belgium – FRДедлайн: 20 вересня, результати відбору 5 жовтня

Для кого: Trainers, NAs staff following specifically the TEC cycle

The TEC (Training and Evaluation Cycle) Forum 2021 is a seminar designed for trainers active in the European Solidarity Corps and who implement the TEC learning cycle.

The TEC Forum is hosted by Bureau International Jeunesse – Belgium French speaking National Agency and it is organised in cooperation with European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre, SALTO Training & Cooperation, SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre and the Centre for International Cooperation in Education – Czech National Agency. Is a 3 full working days event planned on 16-18 February 2021, with arrival on the 15th and departure on the 19th of February 2020. The seminar is a continuation of the EVS trainers’ forums organised in Naples in 2018 and in Switzerland in 2014 .

The draft objectives of the event are:

  • To integrate new elements related with the European Solidarity Corps programme: local impact, solidarity, traineeship and jobs in the TEC learning cycle
  • To generate a space for networking and mutual support between TEC trainers belonging to different countries/training pools so the participants can share knowledge, practices, and methods
  • To build a common understanding of TEC training, the European Solidarity Corps programme, and integrate the new changes in the learning cycle
  • To explore the challenges related to the impact of Covid on TEC activities and the potential and risks of remote /on line training alternatives implemented in the last months

The Forum will be an occasion for continuing the discussions started during the EVS Trainers’ Forum 2018 and will be a space to explore the possibilities and challenges of the European Solidarity Corps programme for TEC trainers. The Forum will require some preparation beforehand and full participation.




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