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Стратегія міжнародного співробітництва КНУТШ
Petro Bekh, Oleksandr Shnyrkov, Oleksii Chugaiev*
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
* Copyright © 2011 Petro Bekh, Oleksandr Shnyrkov, Oleksii Chugaiev
Full reference: Petro Bekh, Oleksandr Shnyrkov, Oleksii Chugaiev (2011) ELABORATION OF STRATEGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV // Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalization. – Mohyliv-Podilskyi – Kyiv: Hoverla – CEL, 2011. – Р. 31-45.
Elaboration of strategic planning in a university has been discussed in a number of publications. For example, while those of Balobanov A.E., Kliuyev A.K. (2002) and Kuzmin V.M., Petrenko V.P. (2010) are devoted to the general university strategy development, Zaslavsky V.A., Chugaiev O.A. (2011) are specifically dedicated to the part of a university strategy related to internationalization. In this chapter we describe strategic planning of international relations and the results of its implementation in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK), which is the leading classical university in Ukraine.
Involvement in strategic planning
The main role in strategic and tactical decision making-process and thus in the elaboration of the strategy of internationalization is played by the University Scientific Board (Senate). Professors and researchers constitute at least 75% of it. The Scientific Board includes the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans of Faculties and Directors of Institutes, Chief Accountant, Heads of other structural divisions, Head of the Trade Union, its Deputy Head for work with students, Head of the Council for Ex-employees, Representatives of bodies for self-governance of students, PhD and doctoral students,
Scientific Secretary, and elected delegates of the Conference of Staff (2 representative from each Faculty or Institute, 1 representative from other structural divisions). The Decisions of the Senate are enacted by the Rector’s orders.
According to the Statute, the Rector is responsible for issuing orders, approving decisions by the Scientific Council, hiring personnel and delegating powers to them, approving the University structure and budget, and annual reporting on the University activities.
Each Institute or Faculty has its own Senate with similar structure, responsibilities, and organization of activities, but on the level of the relevant structural division. The Conferences of Staff (on the University or structural division level) evaluate performance of the Rector and Heads of structural divisions, and delegate representatives to the Scientific Councils. The Conferences of Students (on the University or structural division level) and the Student Parliament are the bodies for self-governance of students, which are also involved in fostering academic mobility.
Thus, the University follows the policy of invoking representatives of different groups of individuals in decision-making process, directly or indirectly related to internationalization. The more important a decision is, the more wide discussion is organized.
International Relations Office, other structural divisions and the personnel in this field are active participants of strategy elaboration process, tactical planning, analysis and evaluation of performance. But initiatives in the field of internationalization from the other staff are welcomed as well.
An important assistance in internationalization strategy elaboration and its implementation was provided by the TEMPUS-QATMI project (Quality Assurance Tools for Management of Internationalization). It helped to assess the current level of internationalization, to identify the strong and weak points, to train the University personnel for management of international relation, to study experience of leading foreign universities in strategic and tactical management of international activities, to disseminate the knowledge among the University staff for managing international relations, and to assess the progress in internationalization. The projects also allowed the Institute of International Relations (one of the most internationalized structural divisions of the University) and the newly established Department for International Research and Technical Cooperation and Innovation Technologies to be active participants in the development of the strategic framework for internationalization.
TSNUK also organizes a wider discussion for strategic developments in universities by involving leading specialists in education. The most recent event was the international conference «Idea of a University: the Modern Discourse» held on May 26-27, 2011.
As a result of collective efforts, the most important documents in the field of internationalization strategy recently adopted by the Scientific Board and the Rector include:
– International Relations of the University // Report of the Rector of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Leonid V. Hubersky on Work in November 2009-December 2010 and Tasks for the Next Year, 2010;
– Concept of International Cooperation of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2009);
– Modern State and Perspectives of International Research Cooperation Development of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010);
– Activity of Structural Divisions of the University on Enrollment of Foreign Citizens for Study in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010);
– Means of Optimizing Study and Teaching Foreign Languages in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010);
– State of Teaching Foreign Languages and Its Improvement in the Faculties in the fields of Natural Sciences, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Humanities, and the Institute of Journalism (2009).
Normative Framework
Strategical framework for international cooperation of TSNUK follows provisions of the Ukrainian legislation (mainly the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education, and Regulations of the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, and Sports of Ukraine), the TSNUK Statute and the general Concept of TSNUK long-term development.
According to the Law on Higher Education of Ukraine, one of the Principles of the Educational Policy of the Government is integration of the Ukrainian educational system into the world educational system while preserving achievements and traditions of Ukrainian higher school. The Law on Higher Education of Ukraine already provides international educational degrees of bachelor and master, which helps in internationalization of education, while also retaining additional possibility for obtaining junior specialist (lower than bachelor) and specialist (lower than master) degrees – a tradition originated back in the Soviet times.
According to the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the Issues on TSNUK No 795 (2009), it has a status of self-governing (autonomous) research national higher educational institution, which conducts activities according to its Statute.
According to the TSNUK Statute, the general aim of the University is creating study and methodological, research and development, character building, organizational, material and other conditions for students to get higher education, and to satisfy the demand of the society in highly qualified specialists.
External Trends
During elaboration of its internationalization strategy the University also has to consider the real trends in Ukraine and in the world affecting opportunities for international cooperation. They are particularly specified in the Draft Program for the Development of TSNUK during 2010-2015, including:
– economic risks considering budget limits for educational services by the state;
– negative demographic dynamics;
– insufficient motivation for study;
– need to catch up in development of material and technical facilities;
– insufficient level of integration in the world educational system;
– need to improve skills of the staff;
– need of a better response to the requirements of potential employers of the graduates.
The main strategic document on internationalization in the University is the Concept of International Relations Development in TSNUK (2009), which envisages the following goals of internationalization:
– to reach the world level of the University research;
– to organize education on the level of high international standards and provide successful integration into the European educational area;
– to seek international recognition of education in TSNUK;
– to inform about educational and research opportunities and achievements in TSNUK;
– to improve world-wide competitiveness of the University, reflected in international ratings;
– to intensify academic mobility;
– to present achievements of students and the faculty in the field of arts and sports.
An important goal of internationalization is also improving financial state of the University, which allows it to achieve Statutory objectives in a better way.
Types of international relations
According to the Statute, the main types of international relations are:
– undergraduate and graduate education and retraining of foreign citizens, training and retraining of researchers;
– joint education, retraining and placement of students;
– joint research programs and projects through grant financing;
– other types of foreign economic activities according to the Ukrainian legislation.
According to the Law on Higher Education of Ukraine (2002), the main types of international relations include:
– participation in international exchange of students and staff;
– joint research;
– organizing international conferences, symposia, congresses and similar activities;
– participation in international educational and research programs;
– joint publishing activities;
– higher education and retraining services for foreign citizens;
– business trips abroad of the staff for educational and research purposes.
Also the main types of foreign economic activities are:
– organizing training and placement for students;
– teaching foreign students, and training researchers for other countries;
– conducting research and development for foreign legal entities or individuals;
– establishment of joint companies, centers, laboratories, technoparks, etc.
Internationalization activities
The Concept of International Relations Development in TSNUK (2009) envisages the following activities to reach the above-mentioned goals:
- In education:
– to use experience of the best foreign universities to enhance forms of teaching, study programs and plans according to the implementation of the Bologna Declaration provisions;
– provide foreign language (mainly in English) courses to meet the demands of foreign citizens;
– to provide teaching foreign languages for students (besides those majoring in Philology) according to the Recommendations of the Council of Europe;
– to launch joint master’s programs with foreign universities;
– to participate actively in international educational projects;
– to invite prominent foreign professors for lecturing, joint research, and consulting;
– to include requirement of using foreign sources of information in the rules for writing master works;
– to foster participation of students in international student competitions;
– to enhance cooperation with foreign institutions and companies for organizing placements for students;
– to organize international summer schools;
– to enhance teaching the Ukrainian and Russian languages for foreign citizens;
– to elaborate the new Rules of providing education services for foreign citizens on the contract basis.
- In research:
– to foster participation in international research projects jointly with leading foreign universities and research centers;
– to organize and participate in international conferences, involving leading foreign researchers;
– to assist in organizing research placements and work abroad in libraries, laboratories, archives of foreign universities and research centers;
– to provide free access for researchers, professors, students, and PhD students to the world information resources, including electronic databases of foreign research periodicals;
– to foster publishing research works of the University researchers, professors, and PhD students abroad;
– to publish joint research works with foreign universities and research institutions;
– to exchange research and study literature with the libraries of partner institutions;
– to elaborate a mechanism for processing, delivery and duty payments for research equipment obtained from foreign partners.
- In the field of international cultural, sports, and humanitarian actions:
– to foster traveling abroad by amateur collectives to give performances, and hosting similar collectives from foreign partner universities;
– to support sports exchange with foreign partner universities;
– to support humanitarian activities of foreign universities in Ukraine;
– to support activities of international nongovernmental organizations, involving the University staff and students.
- Organizational, informational, material and financial provision for international relations:
– to create the Department for Research and Technology Cooperation, consultative center, and system for informing about perspective international research projects, foreign education programs, scholarships and grants;
– to elaborate financial mechanism for international cooperation on the University and Faculty levels, to plan separate financing for international activities in the University budget;
– to seek financing for international activities provided by sponsors;
– to reorganize structure, personnel, functions, location, and material and financial provision of the International Relations Office according to the real needs of the University;
– to elaborate the Regulation on Vice-Deans and Deputy Directors for International Relations of Faculties and Institutes, to define their functions and provide them with the necessary facilities;
– to sign and implement bilateral agreements with foreign institutions on the University and Faculty levels;
– to keep relations with foreign embassies, educational and cultural centers, offices of international organizations in Ukraine, and international educational organizations abroad;
– to cooperate with foreign organizations and funds, which finance international academic mobility;
– to elaborate criteria for evaluation of international education and research activities of structural divisions, Faculties, Institutes, and the University;
– to assist foreign citizens arriving to TSNUK for teaching in obtaining permission for work;
– to enhance accommodation facilities for foreign students and professors;
– to create the University alumni association.
The Draft Program for the Development of TSNUK during 2010-2015 also envisages:
– monitoring of the world trends in education and research;
– enlarging the field of international cooperation by using new forms;
– stimulating individual language study by the University staff, launching language placements;
– elaboration of the program for launching Ukrainian Studies departments in foreign universities;
– enlarging the scope of research publications in English in the periodicals of the University;
– providing multilingual interface of the University web-site.
Sectoral and short-term planning
The Concept of Teaching Languages in TSNUK (2009) is an example of sectoral breakdown of internationalization strategy which concerns:
– principles of foreign language study;
– basic approaches for its organization;
– language proficiency levels.
TSNUK structural divisions may elaborate their own strategies too. In particular, the Concept of Development of Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for 2011-2015 (2011) has provisions for international activities.
The long-term strategic planning is detailed in short-term planning documents.
It is often framed up in a form of reports and decisions of the Scientific Council in specific areas, such as international research cooperation, language teaching etc. Also under implementation of the QATMITEMPUS project TSNUK elaborated Individual workplan for internationalization activities for the 2010-11 academic year, which envisaged specific priority tasks for that period, responsible units, deadlines, and internationalization objectives targeted.
The tasks have been structured as follows:
– strategic planning and management of internationalization;
– internationalization of education: language capacity of the staff and students, academic mobility and enrolment of foreign students, summer schools;
– internationalization of research activities;
– membership in international organizations;
– technical infrastructure;
– information and public relations;
– intercultural aspects.
Tools for internationalization
Following the general framework specified in the documents within the QATMI project, it is safe to say that it includes the following elements: relations, infrastructure, finance, and normative basis.
Relations include:
– Noninstitutionalized relations between individuals are welcomed by the University.
– TSNUK has also traditionally high level of contacts with diplomatic representations. In 2009/10 the Rector met Ambassadors of 14 countries. Presidents of 4 foreign countries visited TSNUK to make speeches for students.
– Bilateral partnership agreements. The number of bilateral agreements with partner institutions has been constantly growing. 21 partnership agreements were signed in 2009, and 20 – in 2010.
– In recent years TSNUK has launched cooperation with several foreign companies including Microsoft, Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokio Boeki CIS Ltd.
– Networks. In particular, TSNUK is a member of International Association of Universities, European University Association, Euroasian Univeristy Association, and applied for membership in the The Magna Charta Observatory of Fundamental University Values and Rights.
– Projects. In 2010 TSNUK participated in 38 international projects and programs (in 2009 – 39, in 2008 – 28). The University has taken part in 10 TEMPUS projects.
– Joint units. TSNUK created French and Ukrainian unit in molecular chemistry jointly with Paul Sabatier University, Ukrainian and German Department for Ecological Management, Ukrainian and German Research and Teaching Center for Nanobiotechnology jointy with Ilmenau University of Technology and R.Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The targeted segments in relations are mainly the following (but this structure is rather shaped by external factors than by strategic guidelines of the University):
– in bilateral relations – primarily with institutions in Europe, as well as Asia, while other regions are much more less represented;
– incoming exchange students – Central Europe;
– outgoing exchange students – Western, Eastern, and Central Europe, and China;
– foreign degree-seeking students – the CIS countries and China;
– incoming staff mobility – Western, Eastern, and Central Europe, and
– outgoing staff mobility – Western, Eastern, and Central Europe, and the U.S.
Infrastructure consists of:
– International relations management structure. In TSNUK the central management includes Vice-Rector for International Relations, International Relations Office, and Department for International Research and Technical Cooperation and Innovation Technologies. International Relations Office is the main unit in the field of managing
international relations and includes Sector for Bilateral Cooperation, Sector for Incoming Staff and Students, Sector for International Business Trips, Sector for Protocol and Translation. The Department for International Research and Technical Cooperation and Innovation Technologies has recently been established for informing on international
university activities concerning research and conferences, writing policy notes on internationalization, advising about partnerships, advising about funding programs, reports and statistics on international research activities, processing of requests for research cooperation, fostering such cooperation, and advising on international
program possibilities. Unlike the International Relations Office, it reports to the Vice-Rector for Scientific work. A great majority of Institutes and Faculties of the University have positions of Vice-Deans or Deputy Directors for international relations, a few (like
the Institute of International Relations) have their own international relations offices. The Preparatory Faculty itself provides language and general courses for incoming students and has also the Group for Work with Foreign Students, PhD Students and Trainees who study at the Faculties and Institutes of the University. Thus, TSNUK combines both the centralized and decentralized approaches. Certain level of decentralization is crucial considering that the University has three campuses located in different parts of such a big city as Kyiv.
– Three campuses, which are partially internationalized.
– Student enrollment system. It is mainly performed by the Enrollment Commission and the Group for Work with Foreign Students, PhD Students and Trainees who study at the Faculties and Institutes of the University. The University has recently launched the on-line registration of applicants for bachelor and master study.
– System for hiring and hosting foreign professors. It is performed by the Sector for Incoming Students and Stuff or/and by the Faculties and Institutes.
– Accommodation. Foreign students mainly have an opportunity to stay in the hostel, specially designed for them. But it was decided that housing of foreign students should be more integrated with housing of domestic students. Foreign professors and researchers are often offered to stay in the University Hotel.
– Information system. The University web-site, and most of the websites of its structural divisions are at least partially in three-languages: Ukrainian, Russian, and English. The leading faculty in terms of internationalization is the Preparatory Faculty, which has a web-site in five languages (including French and Chinese). The web site of the Institute
of International Relations has been largely improved during the period of QATMI project, and its content in Ukrainian is almost entirely available in English and Russian as well. Printed publications (usually made in the TSNUK publishing house) and electronic presentations (about University, Institutes, Faculties, and research activities) in English
and Russian are also disseminated. The Department for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation and Innovation Technology has created a database for research activity of the staff for dissemination of information about international projects; database for international research and educational projects of Faculties; information system about upcoming scientific conferences. The University Press-Center and INCOS Centers are also active participants of information activities.
– Language teaching system. The main functions are performed by the Institute of Philology. Also Language Center for students was established in 2010 as its structural division. An important role is played by the Preparatory Faculty (for foreign students). Institute of International Relations has its own powerful Department of Foreign Languages and Language Study Center. TSNUK hosts also 17 foreign language and cultural centers (the Russian, Belarusian, and Chinese ones are the most recently established).
Finance includes:
– The University budget. In 2010 the total budget of TSNUK was 762 million hryvna (about 70 million euro). In 2008 it was 480 million hryvna. But international activities are not calculated separately in the budget. They are dissolved in different types of costs, and decisions are made ad-hoc. But the strategic guideline is to change this situation, and the first step has been made – up to 0.25% of the University budget may be used for hosting representatives of foreign institutions invited for negotiations to establish international relations with TSNUK. As for setting incentives, the University often covers transportation costs for business trips of its staff, while it seldom covers cost of stay. It also provides financial stimuli for lecturers of English-taught courses.
– External financing (foreign grants, partial self-financing of academic mobility by the students and staff, cooperation with business). According to the Statute and Ukrainian legislation, monetary and material benefits from foreign economic activities are used by the University for its statutory work according to its budget and the legislation. For example, during 2010 TSNUK received 8 million hryvna (about 750 000 euro) of research grants. This amount does not include other types of grants and indirect financing of the University faculty and students by external grant beneficiaries.
Normative basis has the following elements:
– National legislation. TSNUK as a member of university society also acts as initiator and participant in discussing draft legislation in the field of higher education, and its internationalization in particular.
– Internal acts. Besides following the Ukrainian legislation, the University has developed internal normative basis, including:
– Regulation on Evaluation of Effectiveness and Quality of Activity of Departments, Staff, Faculties and Institutes, that considers experimental evaluation criteria (including indicators of international activity) elaborated by the Pro-Rector for Science & Educational work and Scientific and Methodological Center.
– New Concept of Teaching Foreign Languages in TSNUK elaborated by the Pro-Rector for Science & Educational work, Institute of Philology, Scientific and Methodological Center. Scope of its application was gradually enlarged across the Institutes and Faculties.
– Rules of Enrolment of Foreign Citizens in TSNUK elaborated by the International Relations Office.
– Rules for Business Trips Abroad elaborated by the International Relations Office.
– Guidelines for the Outgoing Stuff (has a form of recommendations, mostly on seeking opportunities to enlarge international relations with other universities and other institutions) elaborated by the Department for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation and Innovation Technologies.
– Agreements and contracts. According to the Statute, international relations are usually organized by signing agreements with foreign citizens, educational and research institutions, international organizations, funds, companies etc. TSNUK prepares, retrains, and certifies foreign specialists under international agreements of Ukraine and
contracts with legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones.
Assessing the results
Besides two self-assessment studies and subsequent site visits of external experts under the TEMPUS-QATMI project, TSNUK regularly (annually, semiannually or ad-hoc) performs assessment of implementation of its internationalization strategy, which scope and frequency was increased during the period of the project implementation. The most recent internal evaluation reports include:
– International Relations of the University // Report of the Rector of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Leonid V. Hubersky on Work in November 2009-December 2010 and Tasks for the Next Year (2010).
– Modern State and Perspectives of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010).
– Activity of Structural Divisions of the University on Enrolment of Foreign Citizens for Study in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010).
– On Means of Optimizing Study and Teaching Foreign Languages in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010).
– Modern State and Perspectives of International Research Cooperation Development of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2010).
During the past two years TSNUK had the following achievements.
– High level of international academic mobility (for the staff and PhD students). Every forth professor participates in outgoing mobility each year.
– In 2010 calendar year 1134 staff members and students participated in outgoing academic mobility, in 2008/09 academic year – 948.
– In 2008/09 185 foreign researchers and professors visited TSNUK (twofold increase in comparison with the previous academic year).
– The number of English-taught courses envisaged in the curriculum has tripled during the past 2 years (though its share remains quite low and requires further increase). Russian-taught program for foreign students was launched at the Faculty of Law.
– The number of internationalized summer schools is increasing (in 2010 – TSNUK organized Summer School on Ukrainian Studies for foreigners, International Joint Summer School on Law, Summer School on European Integration involving domestic and foreign lecturers);
– The University students successfully participate in international competitions (in 2009 students of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics won 7 first and 4 second prizes in international competitions, and 1 first place as a team).
– In 2010 TSNUK hosted 56 international scientific conferences.
– In 2010 the staff of TSNUK published 539 research articles abroad (and 4537 in Ukraine), 7 textbooks and study manuals (252), 7 monographs (83).
– TSNUK organizes and participates in inter-cultural activities (in 2010 the Competition «Rainbow of countries» was held by Institute of International Relations to celebrate the International Tolerance Day; the following amateur collectives represented TSNUK abroad: «Dnipro» in Germany and France, «Vesnianka» in Czech Republic, «Roksolana» in Germany and Japan, «Nakshatra» in India, they were awarded in international competitions).
The following problems and challenges exist:
– Total number of international students graduating from the University with a degree decreased from 165 in 2007 to 121 in 2010. Foreign students are also mostly concentrated in Institute of International Relations and Institute of Philology.
– In 2005-07 the Preparatory Faculty taught more than 500 students, but the number of students has decreased since that time to 127.
– Student mobility is much lower than the mobility of the faculty with only about 1% students going abroad annually.
– Short-term visits (less than 1 month) dominate in incoming student mobility.
– TSNUK lacks Dual-Diploma, Joint Master and PhD Programs (but the issue is under active consideration).
– Despite constant progress and high indicators in certain structural divisions, the University still has to improve language skills of the faculty in order to better satisfy the needs of launching English-taught study programs;
– Opportunities for external financing are not fully used.
– Information about study opportunities in TSNUK should be presented in a more detailed way, including syllabi of courses etc.
– Procedures sometimes are time-consuming.
Further opportunities
The following types of international activities may be further addressed in the strategic framework of the University:
– writing diploma theses in foreign languages;
– joint supervision and reviewing theses;
– creating subsidiaries abroad;
– development of international distant learning and distant teaching;
– launching short-term international study programs, besides language courses, and summer schools.
The following tools may be used as well:
– using sequential modular approach in study and increasing the share of elective courses (including English-taught ones) to improve conditions for academic mobility;
– using interdisciplinary approaches in study and research, as it may be more interesting for foreign partners;
– on-line versions of research works and textbooks of the faculty;
– adjusting facilities for the needs of foreign students with disabilities;
– branding the University as a place which gives opportunities both to study and visit interesting places (historical places, museums, natural attractions etc.);
– more diverse use of the methods of international marketing;
– subject to legal opportunities, creation of a company to provide special services such as translation, cultural events, help in accommodation, consulting on international activities, selling souvenirs;
– better consideration of the needs of employers in setting priorities in international activities.
The top management of TSNUK pays specific attention to the TEMPUSQATMI project, and the outcomes of the project will be further implemented in strategic and tactical planning.
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